Diseases and Conditions

Cushing syndrome

Lifestyle and home remedies

The length of your recovery from Cushing syndrome will depend on the severity and cause of your condition. You didn't develop Cushing syndrome overnight, and your symptoms won't disappear overnight, either. In the meantime, these tips may help you on your journey back to health.

  • Increase activities slowly. Work up to a reasonable level of exercise or activity that feels comfortable without overdoing it. You'll improve little by little, and your persistence will be rewarded.
  • Eat sensibly. Nutritious foods provide a good source of fuel for your recovering body and can help you lose pounds you gained from Cushing syndrome. Make sure you're getting enough calcium and vitamin D. Taken together, they help your body absorb calcium, which can help strengthen your bones, counteracting the bone density loss that often occurs with Cushing syndrome.
  • Monitor your mental health. Depression can be a side effect of Cushing syndrome, but it can also persist or develop after treatment begins. Don't ignore your depression or wait it out. Seek help promptly from your doctor or a therapist if you're depressed, overwhelmed or having difficulty coping during your recovery.
  • Gently soothe aches and pains. Hot baths, massages and low-impact exercises, such as water aerobics and tai chi, can help alleviate some of the muscle and joint pain that accompanies Cushing syndrome recovery.

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